Not Alone

Last night while putting my car's daily fuel injection in at the gas station, a stranger approached me. He asked me how my night was going and proceeded to tell me about his. Naturally you would think this gentleman was trying to hit on me, but as the conversation continued, I realized he simply wanted someone to talk to.

He told me about how lonely and difficult it has been for him since he has moved here from NY a few months ago and proceeded to speak about all of the things that had been bothering him. I simply listened.

Later that night, I found myself at the local Denny's at 12am sitting in my favorite corner booth nestled up to a strong cup of coffee. I was trying to finish some work, when yet another complete stranger approached me,

"Do you mind if I sit with you?" he asked.

As I nodded my head in agreement, he let out a sigh of relief and made his way into the seat across from me. Two hours later, we were still in deep conversation about his life and the current struggles he too was dealing with. He had literally just gotten out of jail and came straight to Denny's to clear his head before having to go out and face the world. As I listened intently to his stories and current predicament, it made me realize how vital human connections are in this life.

Even if it is something as simple as a random conversation or smile in their direction, everyone needs to feel that they are acknowledged and alive at times. Because in a world full of billions of people, it's truly insane how alone so many people feel.

Someone once told me that life is about building relationships and feeling like you have a purpose. After last nights unexpected connections, even if they were only for a small fragmented moment in time, I was reminded just how important human connections really are.

So no-matter where your destinations will take you today; filling up your car at a gas station, eating at a restaurant, working out at the school gym, sitting on a plane on your way to a business trip or even while watching a sunset on the beach in Oyster Bay, make sure you find the courage to reach out to one another and put your energy out into the world...

For you never know who or what the world will give you in return...